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Automated heating control
Apr 21, 2017
As part of my distributed temperature sensing network, I built a system to control the central heating. The basis of the board is an ESP8266-12 radio with integrated micro-cont...
Distributed Temperatur...
Dec 10, 2016
I built a network of distributed temperature sensors reporting back to a server over WiFi using the MQTT protocol. Each sensor is based on the Expressif ESP8266 chip in the ESP...
NodeRed Buffer Display
Oct 10, 2016
Creating a FIFO buffer with NodeRed to allow recent messages to be replayed.
Wifi LED Matrix Display
May 16, 2016
A household LED display for live updates with Wifi is something that I’ve wanted for a while. This one is built from a pair of LED matrix boards based on the MAX7219 chipset and...
Dishwasher Settings
Feb 22, 2016
The water softener settings on a Whirlpool ADPF 782 WH dishwasher (yours may be a different number, since I imagine that the controller electronics are generic to a lot of Hotp...
LED Night Light
Dec 31, 2015
I created a bright night-light by repurposing an old colander to form the shade, and fitting colour-changing LEDs inside. The LEDs are a strip of 16 individual lamps, each cont...
Wearable Computing
Dec 19, 2015
Wearable computing is all the rage at the moment , and I was recently given a face-mounted miniature display unit. I was advised that it was faulty and had never worked, but it ...
Compositing video frames
Feb 22, 2015
I gave a workshop on my Light Painting technique at Oxford Hackspace in February 2015. In preparation for the evening, I captured a high-speed movie of my light strip painting ...
Tektronix 492 Spectrum...
Dec 6, 2014
Spectrum analysers are devices for measuring the frequency components of a radio signal (RF). The Tek 492 is a relatively old model (from the 1980’s), but it has pretty decent s...
Canon EF-S Lens Repair
May 21, 2014
I repaired the focus commutator on a Canon EF-S 18-55mm lens . The fault manifests as an inability for the lens to focus in both directions. In other words, it’ll focus in one d...
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